Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wedding favours to match the cake.....of course!

Hi everyone.........
We have added a new line to our cake favours (or bonboniere) to match the cake. Traditionally, the cake is the centrepiece of the wedding reception decor so why not match the favours with the cake for a fully co-ordinated look.

Did you know that initially wedding favours were an extravagance at celebrations hosted by European upper classes, who had the wealth to provide elaborate gifts to guests. The early wedding favors began as small fancy boxes, known by their French name of bonboniere. They were crystal, porcelain or gold and often encrusted with precious stones. The delicate boxes were meant to hold bonbons or other confectionery delicacies, at a time when sugar was quite expensive. Sugar was also highly valued by all and the tradition of providing gifts to guests was eventually adopted by people of modest means by choosing simple treats as gifts. The bride and groom are associated with good luck, a common thought was that everything they touched would be charmed.  Many brides chose to distribute this good luck by preparing a small gift of 5 almonds, beautifully wrapped in an elegant fabric, to represent fertility, longevity, wealth, health and happiness.

We showed our range at the latest Bridal Expo in Sydney today. The response was great, especially to the test tube favours. This is the card we handed out with just a small sample for you to see.

Pat , Liz and Leni

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